
About the website

This website works in different browsers, but in order not to experience any deviations in design and features, we recommend using an up-to-date browser.

The website is built according to recommended and general standards by ECMA International and WC3 as well as for content structure and to control the content presentation use Empori CMS version 8.

UTF-8 is used as the character standard.

The website is responsive, so it adapts to your device's screen size.

Documents are usually published in PDF format, which is why you need to have the program Adobe Acrobat Reader (or Adobe Pro) installed, and it is possible to download Acrobat Reader for free . You should use an updated version of Adobe software. If you're having trouble opening PDF documents in Chrome browser, try Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox instead.

This website requires javascript to be enabled in your browser (via Settings in the menu) for the following functions:
• form for submitting subscription email address, and
• search function.

The website runs on security protocols (SSL – Secure Sockets Layer), to encrypt the communication (it says "https://" at the beginning of the address bar).